Deep in the Darkwood, a mystic portal awaits...
Mara Geary faces a bleak future in the village of Little Hazel until, on the eve of her seventeenth birthday, strange glowing lights beckon her into the mysterious shadows under the trees. She follows, hoping for adventure. What she finds is her destiny...
Prince of the Hawthorne Court, Brannon Luthinor has spent his life becoming a powerful warrior in order to save his people. Now, on the eve of war, his fate is rapidly approaching.
Thrown together, Bran and Mara forge an unlikely alliance. But in the face of evil, will they be able to trust their lives - and their hearts - to one another?
From USA Today bestselling author Anthea Sharp, a richly-imagined clean romantic fantasy uniting an adventurous young woman and a fearsome Dark Elf warrior, in a magical fairytale reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast.